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The Underfront Co.


Unique Drinks
Cool Ambiance
Local Favorite


In the heart of Wilmington's bustling downtown, let your senses be captivated by The UnderFront Company, your one-stop destination for boutique libations and electrifying tunes. Embark on a mixological odyssey as you savor their handcrafted cocktails, each concoction a testament to their artisanal prowess. From house-smoked salts and spirits to fat-washed whiskeys and tantalizing infusions, their creations are a symphony of flavors that will tantalize your taste buds and awaken your senses. Complement your cocktail adventure with a delectable array of charcuterie, cheese, and antipasti, each bite carefully curated to harmonize with their exquisite libations. And as the evening unfolds, let the vibrant melodies of live music wash over you, creating an unforgettable ambiance that will leave you yearning for more.

The venue
